Saturday, June 4, 2011

apartheid activist dies

I have found an article on the CNN website, and wasn’t I shocked when I saw something about apartheid, especially because that is exactly what I am learning in these last few weeks of school.
            After learning about apartheid I feel strongly toward this subject, although I never learned about Albertina Sisulu I can tell that that person is a very important individual. For her to die and have South Africa declare her death as the day for all to mourn shows that the country of South Africa has come a long way from the apartheid era.
            One thing I found interesting about this article was that Albertina’s husband, Walter Sisulu, had been “imprisoned for decades with former South African President Nelson Mandela.” The reason I find this interesting is because I have watched two movies in the past week that were about Nelson Mandela, and he has gained a great respect from me, for conquering, against all odds, the intense racial barrier n South Africa.
            In the article it said that she was banned on several occasions for her political involvement, and that she is proud of everything that has happened to her. Hearing that gives me a great respect for her because I know that the world of apartheid is a cruel harsh one, and that being able to survive it and being able to make a difference in it is a big accomplishment. She deserves this honor one hundred percent, maybe even more. She was called “Mama Sisulu” because of her helping several leaders of the Democratic South Africa become educated. Which, to a country that has just got over apartheid is a big deal and without her South Africa could still be under apartheid ruled Government.
            This last blog goes out to Albertina Sisulu!