Monday, December 27, 2010

1984 discussion

For the past month or so I have been reading the book 1984, by George Orwell.  A short summery of 1984 could be a man living in a world where his government is oppressive, his friends cant be trusted, and one step out of line and he would be annihilated and never heard from again.  Even taking in the fact that I could be killed and never heard from again I would do exactly what Winston had done, I would try to cheat the system, break every unjust rule made. Being cooped up and not being able to express oneself, it is against human nature. Creativity should not be punished; instead it should be accepted and rewarded.
1984 had several illusive symbols throughout the book that when pointed out becomes so obvious. For example the glass paperweight was a metaphor for Winston and Julia's love, as well as how Winston felt. It symbolizes how Winston and Julia’s love is so beautiful, no matter how useless it is. The paperweight also symbolizes how Winston feels trapped by his government where he can’t even move. Both symbols not only help to add to the book but they also help prove that the government in 1984 is evil, corrupt, and oppressive.
            The only thing I hated about this book was the ending. It was one of the worst endings I have ever read. One reason I hated the ending is because it wasn’t all that clear if Winston had died or not, it just said that he loved big brother. Later I found out that Winston did not die in the book, we were just supposed to know that he was going to die. Another reason this books ending was horrible was because he completely went against his former beliefs as well as his promise to Julia. The ending completely deterred me from saying that this is one of the best books I have read in a wile.