Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Something in Libya?

For the past week or so there has been a dangerous event going on in Libya, I don’t really know what to call it. An uprising? Revolution? Either way I am still just as confused, I have no idea what is going on in Libya, the only thing I have understood so far is that a dictator that took over Libya in nineteen sixty nine, and his name is Gaddafi and that he was not going to step down even though his entire country hated him. I also saw that apparently Gaddafi’s son was killed while trying to look up the proper spelling of his name. This whole thing is going way too fast paced and is really confusing.
            Some of the things I have no idea what is going on about in Libya are for example, how did this uprising start? Did the rioting in Egypt start it? What happened with France? Who fired the missiles, was it France, America, or someone else? Obviously I know nothing about this current event and every article I try reading about this subject is extremely long and really hard to understand.
            After a little while of researching I found out that the Americans want to create a no fly zone over Libya with the help of the UN (United Nations) so that Gaddafi will be unable to use aircrafts to attack any soldiers of allied troops. But other then that, a half an hour of poor researching helped me understand nothing more. The only reason I am blogging about this because I would like someone, in the comments, to tell me what is going on. Only if you understand it though, because I cannot look at another confusing explanation about what is going on in Libya. What I want is a short brief explanation, like the plot.
            Thank you for listening to my free blog rant on the uprising in Libya.

1 comment:

  1. I know a bit about what is going on OH! Collin, mostly from listening to my family talk about the Libya situation when the missile launch was on the front page of the Asbury Park press. Gaddafi's son was killed when his house was bombed in an attempt to kill Gaddafi that occurred back when Ronald Regan was president. You can see that he set himself up to be dictator for life, and that other countries have not only had an eye on him, there have been attempted assassinations. I agree with you, OH! Collin, I have seen Libya in the news a lot lately, yet no one I talk to can really tell me what’s going on other than the large amount of civilian deaths. I know that Gaddafi ordered fighter jets to attack civilians, some obeyed the order, but two jets defected to Malta, and received political asylum (this means they went to Malta and turned over their jets in return for protection, so they did not have to stay in Libya and be killed for not attacking civilians). And that is pretty much all I know.
