Thursday, March 24, 2011

my reactions to Daoism/Taoism

Today in my world history class I learned about Daoism, which is also referred to as Taoism. Which also includes the Yin and Yang symbol. Which represents in a sense opposites, however I think it is supposed to mean that there are two sides and that one cannot live without the other. The reason I can’t say opposite is because it is not what Taoists believe it stands for. However, the actual symbol of the Yin and Yang stands for light and dark, earth and the heavens, male and female, and life and death.
            When I think about Taoism and what the Yin and Yang means I can’t help but think of opposites, because light and dark are opposites, as well as males and females. But I also think that seeing the two, as opposites, will prevent you from seeing them as anything else. It will hinder your ability to recognize that without one the other cannot exist and will only make you concentrate on the differences in the world. Which would cause you to become less accepting and more narrow minded.
            Another part of Taoism is the practice of Wu-Wei, which means without action, or action without action. However it dose not mean to sit around and do nothing, instead it means to go with the flow and not to exert unnecessary energy. Which is something I completely agree with, I have always believed to relax and go with the flow, in fact a few days ago I adopted the motto “If you don’t stop to look around once in a wile, you could miss it.” Which basically means to relax once in a wile and allow yourself to go with what nature wanted you to do instead of stressing yourself out by trying to go against “the flow.” 


  1. OH! Collin, I agree with you on the point that darkness and light seem to be opposites, but are males and females opposites? I can understand darkness and light, good and evil, death and life. Even other opposites like up and down, or toothpaste and orange juice, but are males and females opposite? On another point, i do agree with your policy of going with the flow. I think people today are to rushed, worry to much, and rely too much on instant gratification. I also think people are to close minded, and judge to quickly. They should keep more of an open mind, and try to explore the idea of yin yang, rather than looking it as a representation of the coexistence of opposites and nothing more. I think it is interesting how the Yin Yang shows that nothing is perfectly good or evil, because not to much in this world is without a bit of something else in that respect.

  2. I do not think that males and females are exactly opposite, though there are some differences, males and females are also fairly similar. Many people say that males do not listen to emotion yet they get just as silly as women when they like someone. Many people also say that females are too emotional but I know many girls who hide their emotions on a daily basis. I also do not believe that the yin yang is solely showing opposites but that it is showing differences and similarities. It is showing that each side is similar to the other. Nothing is entirely one thing, it is made up of many different things. No one is entirely bad though they may suppress their good side, while no one is entirely good though they may suppress their bad side. The yin yang symbol and the Daoist philosophy are complex, more then what meets the eye, and are trying to teach something about the world

  3. I know what you mean Collin about thinking about opposites! Happens to me too! But then if they were opposites that would be realating females to darkness which is not okay! hahah(: The way its actually represented as you said is like a balance, that one cannot not exist, live, or function without the other, or that is what the Daoists believe. Also like Sam says,it could show how things are smiliar and different! That's why there is a little piece of the Yin in Yang, and a little piece of the Yang in Yin to show that in some way they are similar.

  4. I agree with you Collin, that light and dark, earth and the heavens, and life and death are opposites, but as everyone else commented, I'm not sure if males and females are opposite in the sense that one is light while the other is dark. Ignoring that, I think that males and females can either go in the yin, or the yang. Anyhow, I agree with what you have posted on this blog post. I also go with the flow, like most people, and believe in Wu-Wei, something that I should maybe try to do more often. By the way, your motto, I believe, pertains to this quote I found: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." — Ferris Bueller. Also, you spelled “wile” wrong. It should be while; not to be a grammar freak or anything like that.
