Thursday, January 13, 2011

Giving Attention to Wiki Leaks

While looking around the New York Times website I found an article that I felt brought unnecessary attention to Julian Assange. Its not bad enough that he released hundreds of thousands of classified documents to the public but now he is getting his own book which will no doubt add more publicity towards his actions. Seeing this article also reminded me of what I said when I first heard about WikiLeaks, If there was no media to report on events like this then no one would care. If no one cared then this wouldn’t be such a big deal and no one would have gotten hurt.
            While reading this article I found that Julian Assange has said that he did not want to make the book, he is only doing it to keep WikiLeaks running. However the website WikiLeaks is already down and inaccessible, as for him not wanting to write the book I think that Assange is lying. Why wouldn’t he want everyone to know his life story and what he had done, its not like he is afraid of people knowing the truth, as everyone has figured out by now.
I chose this news article because it explains that he is arrested and some of his other crimes. Instead of all the regular news that just says Julian Assange is evil, a terrorist, and other unfair accusations. The article just talks about the behind the scenes action, like Julian Assange making a book to protect himself from certain legal charges.
            In my honest opinion I do not believe Julian Assange should be marked as a terrorist, he was only trying to provide the truth to the public just as a government should. Instead he should be a hero to the world outside of the government, he is liberating the public from the governments secrets. However if the governments did not want all the information to be taken seriously then they just should have denied everything and ignore it, eventually no one would have cared.

Moral: Don’t give something attention unless you want everyone to know about it.

1 comment:

  1. Collin,
    In a way I agree with you but in another way I don’t. (No offense) I completely agree with you that he should really keep his mouth shut for most of the things that he leaks out onto the internet. But I think that if it has to do with something in history and that has to do with the country I think that he should leak it. I believe that the world and the people in it deserves to know the truth and everything around it. Its just like V for Vendetta V believed that everybody must know the truth about their government. And then in the movie when they found out that their own government was hiding killing innocent people and letting out a disease to little kids that caused a major death streak in their country.
