Thursday, January 13, 2011

North -VS- South

My first thought to this article is thank god. Although I haven’t heard much about the recent North Korean threats it did have me worried. I didn’t want this to start another Korean War, and I especially didn’t want the United States of America to get involved, because everyone knows how well that worked out last time when we interfered.
            As I later read I saw that North Korea promised to become a “strong and prosperous country” but what I don’t get is why does a prosperous country always include a nuclear device or a uranium refining plant. I am pretty sure a country can be prosperous without the need for a nuclear weapon. Apparently neither north Korea or South Korea agree with me.
At the very end of the article there is a paragraph saying basically that there is no open conversation, which to me sounds like the worst idea possible, especially when the two countries are about to go to war. What the two countries need to do is meet each other one on one, and talk out their disagreements without the use of threats or name-calling. This way both presidents of North Korea and South Korea will not be pressured into a hasty and dangerous decision.
The reason I chose this article to write this blog is because it could become a global issue, which could start another a war, as well as introduce the US into another war that we don’t belong. I also chose this article because I felt extremely strong about this subject and I believed that I could write a decent article on this information.
After Reading this I went away with the knowledge that even the smallest arguments between Nabors can blow up into something dangerous such as the intervention of several other countries, and could eventually lead to war if enough people disagree with each other. 

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