Saturday, January 15, 2011

The invincible Rasputin

A few days ago my World History class started the Russian Revolution and for weeks before my teacher had been telling us that the Russian Revolution was absolutely crazy, she said that the violence in the French Revolution is nothing like that of the Russian Revolution. So naturally me being in love with violence I was ecstatic when my class started learning about the Russian Revolution. So far I have heard of only three people dyeing and I can already say my teacher was one hundred percent right, the Russian Revolution is going to be crazy.
            To prove my teachers case I will explain the death of the man Rasputin. If you are unsure who Rasputin is then by all means go look him up because there is just too much to say about him in the amount of space I have left. Anyway, One day a few nobles invited him to dinner, at dinner they filled his wine with poison, but no matter how much Rasputin drank he still didn’t die. Eventually one of the nobles had had enough and would kill Rasputin the old fashion way, then one man shot him twice, still living, Rasputin ran away. He was then caught and drowned, a few minuets later Rasputin came crawling up from the water still alive, and finally the nobles pined him down and shot him in the head and finally killed him. But then just for good, crazy measure the nobles castrated Rasputin. And that is only one person, and it is still only the very beginning of the Revolution, hopefully there is more violence and craziness.
Personally I found it hilarious when Rasputin had come up from the water even after being under for several minuets, even after he was shot. However I REALLY did not need to know that he was castrated, but I guess it just helps prove that the Russian Revolution was crazy. 

a funny song about Rasputin.

1 comment:

  1. I to, was surprised by Rasputin's supposed immunity to earthly harm, Collin until i asked my brother about it. my brother knows more trivia than any other being of women born I have yet to meet, and he explained why Rasputin survived for so long.
    His would-be assassins first tried ton poison his cake, but they baked it after putting the poison in it, evaporating most of it, and rendering the rest impotent. They then poisoned his wine, but the alcohol neutralized the poison. they then shot him twice, but the bullets , missed his major organs. they then tried to drown him, but even though he was face down in the water, the bullet wounds in his back were connected to his lungs, so he began breathing through his back. He was able to crawl pout of the water where he was held down, and finally shot in the head then castrated. That is why he survived for so long.
