Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Tiananmen Square Massacre

Recently in my history class we were learning about China. That includes ancient China, like in the 1400’s, the civil war between the Communists and the Nationalists, as well as Mao Zedong, and The Tiananmen Square Massacre. What I found most interesting was The Tiananmen Square Massacre, also known as The Tiananmen Square Incident, but I will be calling it The Tiananmen Square Massacre. Any way, I found it amazing how the one man stood up to a tank all by himself, and told it to leave China. I am also surprised that the tank did not just run the man over and continue on its way.
We also discussed in class how no one knew who the man was, what his name was, or anything about him. I think that several people do know who he was and decided not to give out his information to ensure his protection and the he does not get killed. It is probably the same reason why he has never spoken up and told the world it was he who walked in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square.
If it were I in his situation I would have done the same thing, I would have walked right in front of that tank and would even try to invite others, hoping to start a rebellion against the oppressive and communistic government. I would try to be the difference I wanted to see.
            One thing I found shocking while talking about The Tiananmen Square Massacre was that many children today have no idea what The Tiananmen Square Massacre was, they have also never seen the famous photo of the man standing up against the tanks. I think that is ridiculous, how is it possible to censor one of the most famous pictures in the world, just because it is a minor speed bump in the countries history. There is really no reason to censor that particular memory.

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