Monday, May 23, 2011

why i hate Projects!

In my world history class on Friday we talked about the Rapture for a little bit, and there were things said that I would like to comment on. One is that one of my classmates said that the man who predicted yesterdays rapture also predicted several previous raptures. I am not going to share my religious beliefs, but I do wish to say that I think the rapture will never happen, I just do not believe that judgment day will ever come. The same classmate who said Harold Camping had predicted the end of the world also stated that in the Bible it says that no man can predict judgment day, only God himself can. So after hearing that I was one hundred ten percent sure the world was not going to end.
Another thing we talked about in class was that a group of Atheists were setting up a plan for anyone who believed in the rapture. The Atheists charged people money; in return they would watch people who believed in the rapture’s pets. There were also NO refunds, so when they didn’t get raptured they would not get their money back. To me, although it is a little mean, that plan was genius, make people pay to watch their pets, and then when the rapture didn’t happen give them their pets back and keep the money. Whoever thought of that was a genius.
Now I have to talk about my feelings towards this man, Harold Camping. Although my teacher told me not to just go on a rant and trash him without reason, I think I have to. Not only were his last predictions wrong, but also so was this one, and after thinking about this I think that he is only doing this for attention. Although I have not read the bible it does say that no man can predict the end of the world, and this man has done it several time, all wrong by the way, and continues to back his claims 100%. I am sure this is all just for publicity. 

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